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Unlocking the Power of Breath: My Personal Journey

Jon - Radiant Breathwork, 3 October 2023

"Breathe in deeply to bring your mind home to your body."

 – Thich Nhat Hanh"

This is my personal story of how I came to breathwork and how important I have found it in my life.   

The journey begins...

Around seven years ago, I had a persistent feeling that I hadn't found my calling in life; I felt stuck and unclear about what direction to take. I knew my work didn't satisfy me and thought a return to my first calling of psychology would be the answer.

So, I embarked on training as a Transpersonal therapist. While this brought a lot of personal insight and learning, it still felt something was missing; it felt too mind-orientated - I realised I was looking for something that worked with the body on a more intuitive level. Still, I was at a loss as to what this might be until I had a fantastic experience of trauma release as part of my therapeutic training

Standing on a beach at dawn

Discovering the power of trauma release 

One day, in a training session on Somatic Experiencing, the trainer asked for a volunteer to demonstrate a technique of trauma release. At that moment, something deep inside me called me to step up and do it – at the time, it was not something I would have done typically! 

The process involved connecting with the body through felt perception while being guided by a facilitator. As the experience unfolded, something spontaneously arose around the grief and shock I had when I first heard my dad had died. I felt my body tremble and the trauma and grief of my body being unfrozen, released, and integrated. 

I experienced a feeling of deep peace and tenderness that opened my awareness to something I had not encountered before. 

Image of lungs

Finding my way into breathwork 

This led me on a journey to explore trauma-release techniques. I soon found breathwork as a simple, easy and profound way to go to that place where I could release stress and trauma in a way I had never experienced before. 

I investigated various conscious-connected breath techniques, but there was a nagging feeling I had not quite found my 'tribe'. This was until I tried Transformational Breath®, which includes a form of body acupressure called body mapping to help open the breath more and powerful affirmations to support the breathwork. I was also struck by how grounded, open and authentic the facilitators I met were! This led me one day in a breath session to realise that I wanted to take the professional training to share these amazing techniques. 

Transformational Breath logo

My Professional training experience 

The professional training for Transformational Breath® is very comprehensive, requiring intensive hands-on training and over 50 hours of case study practice before you can qualify. I found it challenging but incredibly rewarding; it was a transformative experience of healing, release and stepping into a freer, more joyful and more authentic version of myself. The group I shared the experience with was terrific - the breathwork created a beautiful bond between many of us, creating lifelong friendships and connections.

To sum up...

In summary, I can honestly say that my experience with Transformational Breath ® has changed my life by giving me more clarity on my path and my reason for being here. It has given me more confidence in myself and what I can share with the world and brought more hope, joy, and laughter into my life! And it has connected me to a fantastic community of open, grounded and deeply caring people, which is an incredible blessing.

I have met and shared this wonderful experience with my partner Kelly on this journey. Together, we have created Radiant Breathwork to bring this fantastic technique to the world to help people have more Breath, Flow and Freedom in their lives! 

Why not give it a try by coming to one of our workshops!

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