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Breathe, Connect, Transform: the Benefits of Breath Circles

Jon - Radiant Breathwork, 2 Jan 2024

"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.”

 - Kurt Vonnegut    

This article explains why breath circles are a great way to keep your practice going and deepen your experience.     

You've had a breath session. What's next? 

If you have attended a Connected Breath workshop, such as one of our Workshops or a one-to-one session, keeping up a regular practice to reap the benefits is essential. 

We strongly recommend a daily practice of 5-10 minutes a day - we've done a breath audio here to support you in this. Listen to the track on
SoundCloud or download an MP3 version here.

It's also important to have longer regular sessions to go deeper - breath circles are a great way to do this cost-effectively. 

Some key benefits to you are:

  • Stay connected to regular practice with facilitation
  • Opportunity to breathe in a group
  • Ask Questions
  • Share experience 
  • Be part of a Community of like-minded people

Let's explore each in turn...

Stay connected to regular practice with facilitation

A key benefit of a breath circle is it's facilitated. You get to have qualified breath practitioners use acupressure, called body mapping, to help open up your breath. We also use tailored affirmations that are unique to you to help you go deeper into the connected breath experience. 

Opportunity to breathe in a group

Breathing in a group is powerful - you are connected to the group's energy, and it often enables people to experience emotional and physical releases that don't come so easily when you breathe by yourself. We find the best results with breathwork come from a combination of individual and group sessions. 

Ask Questions

You might have questions about your breath practice, such as 'Am I doing it right?' or 'What should I focus on to open my breath?' and 'How do I use focused intention with my sessions?'. 

In a breath circle, you have ample time to get questions like these answered. We also give a demo of the breath technique so you can refresh your memory if you need to.

Share experience 

While your breathing experience is unique to you, it’s a great motivator to hear other people's experiences. Sharing, while optional, allows you to integrate better what came up for you in the session.

Be part of a Community of like-minded people 

We have found many people drawn to breathwork really appreciate the opportunity to connect with like-minded people. Breathing together creates a unique bond within a group - being connected this way is often a beautiful, heart-opening experience.  

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